Sunday, November 18, 2007

Sunday Blues

It is sunday 8.30 pm now. Sitting in my room on my bed. My gf is on another side of the room using her internet. Kind of a relaxing but moody day though.
Need to go into hospital for Sunday round today. Spent like 2-3 hrs going thru all the old patients & new patients. Making sure that they don't die... or at least won't die over the next day. Till I come around tomorrow.
Spent the whole afternoon at home & the whole sunday night at home.
I must admit I am feeling a little bit depressed at the end of it.
However, tomorrow need to work again.
This weekend family will be here in singapore to look for me!
At least the first part of my leave got somebody here with me.
Alrite. Nothing much to say. Pen off now.

Sunday, November 04, 2007

Life in Singapore

First time for 2 months plus in Singapore that I can actually blog!
Life here is sooooo sooooo freaking hectic.
Working here is worse.
For those of you who plans to come here to work, make sure u have a good reason to.
Either bf/gf/family. If not, I promise you that u'll regret once u start working.
Esp when u have to go on-call, u'll get to work from 8 am to 5 pm.. then start yr call from 5 pm to 8 am in the next morning & cont yr normal work from 8 am to maybe 1-2 pm that u get to go back depending on yr team.
This is ridiculous.
Anyway.. i've already done it for 5 times. Still alive!
Social life = 0 here...
Working life leh... = 100%
Those of you coming to Singapore, do let me know. So we can meet up sometimes.
My number here is 91457817.... adioss