Friday, April 27, 2007

Radiology, Liking It

4th day in my radiology rotation. Just found a new system that works for me.
Get interesting cases (positive findings), go to see patient and look at the notes. Learn loads that way plus teaching from consultants and registras. Saying that, 1 thing about radiology rotation is you are the first to know what is wrong with the patient! Reports need verifying and it takes like a few hours before they get verified.

This morning, I got a positive CT abdo result of a lady came in with 1 day history of abdominal pain. CT abdo shows massive ovarian tumour with metastasis to the liver! And the problem is when I was speaking to the patient and have a quick feel of the abdomen, I soon realized that she thought all her symptoms was due to a simple constipation. I can imagine how shock she's gonna be when she find out that she has got an ovarian Cancer although a biopsy might be needed. I would think that it is most certain to be Ovarian Ca as for the metastatic lesion present. A simple cyst wouldn't be as huge as 8cm diameter!

Another thing is, what if she realize that I know the scan result all along?! and yet I need to come out with a lie saying that I don't know what the scan shows.

This is hard, but essential for my learning. So, why not?! kekkee...

Hopefully I will get thru the rotation smoothly as there will be an audit to do! PLUS pressure from consultant that I need to try to get it publish! Bugger.


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